About NOTAMNOTAM (Norwegian network for Technology, Acoustics and Music) works with music and technology. NOTAM is a leader in the field of music and technology, and arranges courses, provides information about Norwegian music abroad and produces computer programs and software. NOTAM is also an important educational resource for electroacoustic music in Norway.
Technical equipment consisting mostly of synthesizers and computers have increasingly become a part of making and playing music. Many believe that it is difficult to use this technology, and NOTAM has made this program with this in mind. DSP contains tools to work with sound and includes texts, images, videos, etc. that provide an overview of earlier developments, works and approaches. We hope that this program will make it fun and exciting to experiment with sound and will inspire creativity, play and spontaneity. To make music, to be a creative person and to make something one feels has value and content, is ultimately what is most important.
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