4  The RT compiler

The RT compiler works by translating the Scheme-like input-code into s-expression based C-code, which is further translated into normal C-code by the eval-c macro. The eval-c macro is found in the file eval-c.scm. eval-c does also the compiling and linking by calling gcc.

4.1  Features

4.2  Macros and functions to compile and run rt-functions

(rt-compile ...)

      (define a (rt-compile (lambda (b c)
			       (* b c))))


(rt-c ...)

Same as rt-compile

(rt-funcall ...)


           (rt-funcall a 2 3)
           => 6.0

(rt-func ...)

           (define a (rt-func (lambda (b c)
				(* b c))))
           (a 2 3)
           => 6.0

(rt-safety ...)
    Setter function

rt-safety is a setter function. If set to 0, no runtime error checking is performed. Its safe to set (rt-safety) to 0 if you don't get any ``RT RUNTIME ERROR'' error messages to stderr when running your function, and you are sure thats impossible to happen. On the other hand, if you do see an ``RT RUNTIME ERROR'' message printed to stderr when running your function, theres a good chance you will lock up your machine by setting (rt-safety) to 0.

For operations on lists, pairs and vectors, this could have an impact on the performance. But, generally, don't expect to see a big improvement in the performance by setting it to 0.

(<rt> ...)

Creates a subclass of <realtime> :

       (define a (<rt> (lambda ()
		         (out (oscil osc)))))

(<rt-play> ...)

Creates a subclass of <realtime> :

        (<rt-play> (lambda ()
		     (out (- (random 1.8) 0.9))))
        [white noise is being generated]

        (<rt-play> 1
		   (lambda ()
		     (out (- (random 1.8) 0.9))))
        [one second later, white noise is being generated]

        (<rt-play> 1 10
		   (lambda ()
		     (out (- (random 1.8) 0.9))))
        [one second later, white noise is being generated for ten seconds]


<rt-play> is a macro that calls <rt>.

(<rt-play-abs> ...)
Same behavior as rt-play, except that the start-time is absolute time: (<rt-play> 1 func) is the same as (<rt-play-abs> (+ 1 (rte-time)) func)

Compiled rt-functions are cached into memory (currently not to disk). (rt-clear-cache!) clears the cache.

4.3  The Ğrealtimeğ class

The <realtime> class provides the following methods:

4.4  Various