1  Introduction

The RT extension for the sound editor SND consists of two parts:

The RT Engine
- An engine for doing realtime signal processing.
The RT Compiler
- A compiler for a scheme-like programming language to generate realtime-safe code understood by the RT Engine.

As far as possible I have tried to make the language behave and look like scheme. However, there are no support for consing, creating closures, or other operations that can trigger a garbage collection, so its not really a very schemish language although it visually looks a lot like scheme. Perhaps consing and more advanced stuff will be implemented later, but it should not be necessary as the code blends very fine into Guile. If you need to create lists or closures, you have to do that in Guile. So, actually, technically, the language is more like C than Scheme.


Thanks to the guile development team for creating Guile. Thanks to the gcc development team for creating gcc. Thanks to Bil Schottstaedt for creating SND. Thanks to Notam and the Art Council Norway for economical support making this software.